The week in Parliament
Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: A unique and memorable Session is drawing to its close, and once again the man of the week has been the Prime Minister. On Thursday he figured in a scene over the activities of the Swinton Com- mittee ; it was not a pleasant affair. It is no use pretending that the names of Swinton and Joseph Ball inspire sweet confi- dence among trade unionists and Labour supporters. If the enemy were not at our gates and over our roofs more would have been heard of the whole question ; on the other hand, the question would hardly arise unless the times were charged with crisis. The country rightly reposes its confidence in Mr. Churchill and wishes to help him at every point. He is known as a defender of Parliamentary privilege, an advocate of freedom, a friend of the oppressed and refugees. Let the War Office and Home Office breathe more of his 'spirit into their Departments and put themselves right with public opinion.