Our Villages
Sir Albert Richardson, Valerie Dobson, Jack Ellis
End of Federation Alison Marsden Old Lines For New Dame Edith Sitwell The Victorians W. M. Tydeman Welsh National Theatre • Keidrych Rhys
The Case of Mandy Rice-Davies
A. Connor, Wilfrid Fordltam
Dung-Mongering Peter Howard Roman Pavement at Woodchester loan Evans Oloroso Sherries Peter Selerie, I. K. Mackenzie `New Yorker' Irish John Irwin Hal Woolf • Lisa Hughes Christian Burial Gerald Hamilton
SIR,—Your correspondent does not seem to be fully acquainted with the policy of the Corporation regarding the preservation of the skyline of old Twickenham, particularly as seen from the river.
The Corporation have given instructions regarding the preservation of the eighteenth-century shops in Church Street and other amenities. It is the intention of the Authorities to check all motor traffic in Church Street and to treat this quarter as a special shopping centre. There are to be no new buildings on the river front. Regarding the underground car park, this will not be conspicuous. As adviser to the Corporati6n I have observed the instructions given to preserve the local character.
A. E. RICHARDSON Avenue House, A mpthill, Beds.