Chicken War
When I was driving up through the South Mid- lands and into Lincolnshire last week I was constantly reminded of America's very odd dis- pute with the Common Market by the sight......
Grains The Secret Of America's Passionate Interest In...
European market open to this most loathsome of her farm products is, of course, that poultry are effective conversion units for turning part of her immense grain surpluses into......
The New Arab Triangle
By DESMOND STEWART UMMER, 1963, marks a new phase in the de- velopment of the Middle East. The struggle for the future is no longer one between Nasser and the feudal kings, but......
Dimness I .see That Arrangements Are In Hand For A
John Clare festival, which is to be held at Peter- borough this year. I can't help feeling that this is getting very near the end of the festival route. One of this year's music......