SIR, —What a pity more people do not think like
Terence Bendixson, Nikolaus Pevsner and the Victoria County History.
I hope Mr. Bendixson's article will have made more people realise—especially Twickenham resi- dents—what the County Planning Office, the Cor- poration of Twickenham and Sir Albert Richardson propose to do, in the name of 'improvement.' Is it too late to ask Mr. John Betjeman also to take up the cudgels in defence of the old village and waterfront of Twickenham?
Do not any of these three so-called authorities realise that there are still some people living who appreciate the 'church and streets around the church' in Twickenham? It seems monstrous that such things should be contemplated and one can only hope that the inspector of the Ministry of Housing is more enlightened, and will enforce the recommendations of 1956.
At present it is a jby to wander down to the old village and embankment and get away from the dust and noise of King Street. It is like stepping into an- other world and one comes back into the horror of the other architecture of Twickenham town—feeling refreshed.
VALERIE DOBSON 6 Wellesley Crescent, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham