General Sir De Lacy Evans arrived in Paris on Thursda/
Further telegraphic despatches relating to the recent combats at Sebas- topol are published this morning from the Moniteter of yesterday.
The Chargé d' Afaires of France at Constantinople to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Paris.
"Pero, December 10.—Prince Napoleon is making his preparations to re- turn to the Crimea although the state of his health still requires care. The English steamers Crimea, Ripon, Emeu, and Thames, arrived yesterday or today, with 4266 men of the Seventh Division." - "Pere, December 15.—General de Montebello has arrived from the Crimea. He will leave for France on the 22d. The position before Sebastopol con- tinued to be very good on the 13th."
Admiral Hamelin to the Minister of Marine.
"Montezuma, Iramiesch, December 7.—Yesterday a Russian frigate and a Russian schooner left Sebastopol, and sailed in all haste towards the bay of Strelestka: The Megare, which was on the watch, exchanged cannon-shot with these two vessels, which were received at the entry of Strelestka by our two look-out ships, anchored in that bay. At the approach of an English frigate, which three other English and French frigates followed, the enemy retraced his route and returned in great haste to Sebastopol. None of the Russian balls reached our troops encamped at Strilestka."