Military Gazette. War-office, Dec. 19. Brevet. Colonel...
C.B. of the Royal Artillery, now acting as her Majesty's Commiseioner with the Turkish army in Asia, to have the local rank of B r-General while so employed. 7h a e dk......
Tice Ministry An D Foreign Enlistment.
1 Adam Street, Ade?phi, 19th December 1854. Sin—In the late debates there are two circumstances remarkable in the speeches of two different Ministers. The Earl of Aberdeen has......
Health Of London During The Week Ending December 16. [from
the Official Return.] Ten of Weeks lett-W. Week of 1854. Zymotle Diseases 2,887 .... 330 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat . 610 .... 61......
Commercial Gazette,, Tuesday, December 19. Partnerships...
and elsewhere, cotton- warp-manufacturers-Thomas and Kirby, Liverpool, wine-brokers-North and Bowers, High Streetahoreditch, linen-drapers-S. S. and I. D. Lucas, Greenwich,......
Naval. Gazette.
ADMIRALTY, Dec. 13.-Staff-Col, S. R. Wesley to be Deputy-Adjt. of Royal Marines, vice Major-General Sir J. Owen, KC. B. ; Lieut.-Col. G. C. Langley to be Assist. Adjt.-Gen. of......