23 DECEMBER 1854, Page 18
ADMIRALTY, Dec. 13.-Staff-Col, S. R. Wesley to be Deputy-Adjt. of Royal Marines, vice Major-General Sir J. Owen, KC. B. ; Lieut.-Col. G. C. Langley to be Assist. Adjt.-Gen. of the Royal Marines, vice Wesley, promoted.
Amin/axe, Dec. 16.-Corps of Royal Marines-Second Lieut. C. F, Witham to be First Lieut. vice Douglas, to half-pay.
Al:MURALES% Dec. 19.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. and Adjt. T. V. Cooke to be Capt. vice W. M. Iferiot, deceased; Second Lieut. A. Higman to be First Lieut. vice Cooke, promoted.