Acland, Sir 'T. D. Elcho, Lord Keogh, W. Richardson. J. A'Court, C. H. Ellice, E. Kershaw, J. Robartes, T. J.
Acton, J. Elliot, Hon. J. E. King, lion. P. J. L.Roebuck, J. A.
Adair, H. E. Esmonde. J. Kinnaird, Hon. A. Rumbold, C. E. Adair, R. A. S. Ewart, W. Labouchere, H. Russell, Lord J. Anderson, Sir J. Fagan, W. Laing, S. Russell, F. C. H. Annestey, Earl Feilden, M. J. Langton, H. G. Russell, F. W. Atherton, W. Fergus, J. Lee, W. Sadleir. J. Bagshaw, J. Fergusson, Col. Lindsay, W. S. Sawle, C. B. G. Baines, H. T. Ferguson, Sir R. Locke, J. Scholefield. W. Ball, J. Ferguson, J. Loveden, P. Scobell, Capt. Baring, Sir F. T. Fitzgerald, Sir J. Lowe, R. Scrape, G. P. Barnes, T. Fitzgerald, J. D. Luce, T. Scully, F. Bass, H. 'P. Fitzroy, Hon. H. Mackinnon, W. Scully, V. Berkeley, Adm. Fitzwilliam, lion. G.M'Greg,or, J. Seymour, H. D. Berkeley, lion. H. Forster C. Mangles, R. D. Seymour, W. D.
Bethell, Sir R. Forster, J. Manners, Lord G. Seymour, W. D.
Biddulph, R. M. Fortescue, C. S. Marjoribanks, D. C. Shaft°, R. D. Biggs, W. Fox, W. J. Martin, J. Shelburne, Earl Blackett, J. F. B. Freestun Col, Massey, W. N. Smith, J. A. Bland, L. H. Freshfield, .1. W. Matheson Sir .1. Smith, R. V. Bonham Carter, J. Gladstone, W. Milligan, R. Smollett, A.
Bouverie, Hon. E. Glyn, G. C. Milner, W. M. E. Stafford, Marquis
Brady. J. Goodman, Sir G. Milnes, R. H. Steel, J. Dramston, T. W. Gordon, lion. A. Mitchell, T. A. Stephenson, R. Brand, Hon. H. Gower, lion. F. 3Iolesworth, Sir W. Stirling, W.
Brocklehurst, J. Grace, 0.D. J. Moncreiff, J. Strickland, Sir G. Brockman, E. D. Graham, Sir J. Mansell, W. Sutton, J. li. H.
Brotherton, J. Greene, J. Mostyn, Hon. E. Tioicred, H. W.
Brown, H. Greene, T. Mulgrave Earl Thompson, 0.
Brown, W. Gregson, S. North, F. ' Thornely, T.
Bruce, Lord E. Grenfell, C. W. O'Brien, P. Thornhill, W. P.
Butler, C. S. Grey, Sir G. O'Brien, J. Townshend, J. Byng, Hon. G. H. Grey, R. W. O'Connell, D. Tynte, Col. C. J.
Cardwell, E. Grosvenor, Lord It. O'Connell, J. Uxbridge, Earl
Caulfield, Col. J. Grosvenor, Earl Osborne. R. Vernon, G. E. H.
Cavendish, Han. C. Gurney, J. H. Owen, Sir .1. Villiers, C. P.
Chambers, T. Hall, Sir B. Paget, Lord A. Vivian, H. H.
Chaplin, W. J. Hankey, T. Palmerston, Lord Warner, E.
Cheetham, J. Harcourt, G. G. Patten, J. W. Waterpark. Lord
Clay, Sir W. Hardinge,Hon.C. S.Paston, Sir J. Watson, W. H. Clinton, Lord It. Heade, Alex. Pechell, Sir G. B. Wells, W.
Cockburn, Sir A. Hastie, Ar. Peel. Sir R. Whatman, J.
Coffin, W. ileadlain, 'F. E. Peel, F. Whitbread, S.
Cogan, W. H. F. Heatbcote, Sir 0.5. Peel, Gen. Wickham, H. W. Collier, R. P. Heathcote, G. H. Pellatt, A. Wigram, L. T.
Cowan, C. Heneage, G. F. Perry, Sir T. E. Wilkinson, W.
Cowper, Don. W. Herbert, H. A. Phillipps, J. IL Williams. M. Currie, It. Herbert, 8. Phillimore, R. J. Williams, W. Dalkeith, Earl of Hervey, Lord A. Phinn, T. Wilson, J.
Dashwood, Sir G. 11.1logg, Sir .7. W. Pigott, F. Winnington, Sir T. E.
Davie, Sir H. R. F. Howard, Hon. C. Pilkington, J. Wood, Sir C. Denison, J. E. Howard, Lord E. Pinney, W. Wortley, 1.8. Divett, E. Hughes W. B. Pollard Urquhart, W.Wrightson, W. Drumlanrig, Lord Hutchins, E. J. Portman, Hon. W. Wyndham, W.
Duff, G. S. Hutt, W. Price, Sir R. Wysill. M. Duke, Sir J. Ingham, R. Ramsden, Sir J. Young, Sir I.
Duncan, Lord Jackson, W. Reed, J. H. Duncan, G. Jermyn, Earl Ricardo, J. TELLERS.
Dungarvan, Lord Keating, R. Bicardo, 0. Master, W. G.
East, Sir J. B. Keating, IL S. Rich, H. Berkeley, G.
Adderley, C. B. Alcock, T. Alexander, J. Arbuthnott, Gen. Archdall, Capt. Arkwright, G. Bailey, C.
Ball, E. Baldock, E. H. Bankes, G. Baring, T. Bright, J. Barrington, Lord Bunbury, B. Barrow, W. H. Burroughes, H.
Bateson, T. Butt, G. M.
Bentinck, Lord H. Butt, I. Bentinck, G. W. Cairns, H. M'C. Beresford, W. Campbell, Sir A. Berkeley, Sir G. Carnac, Sir J. R. Boldero, Col. Cecil, Lord R. Booker, T. W. Chambers, M.
Chelsea, Lord Chohnondeley, 14.11. Christopher, R. Christy, S. Clinton, Lord C. P. Cobbett, J. M. Cobbold, .7. C. Cobden, R. Cocks, T. S. Codrington, Sir W. Maumee'', T. P. Shelley, Sir J. T.
Meux, Sir El. Sibthorp, Col.
/dial], E. Smijth, Sir W.
Miles, W. Smith, S. B.
Milton, Lord Smith, A.
Michell, W. Smyth, J. G. Montgomery, IL Spooner, R.
Montgomery, Sir G. Stanhope, J. B.
Moore, J. B. Stanley, Lord Morgan. 0. Stuart, '4V.
Mowbray, J. R. Start, H. G.
Mailings, J. R. Swift, B..
Mundy, W. Thesiger, Sir F. ?duntz, G. F. Tollemache, J.
Murrough, J.. P. Tomline. G. Naas, Lord Trollope, Sir 3.
Napier, J. Tudway, B.. C.
Neeld, John Tyler, Sir G.
Neeld, J. Tyrell, Sir J. T.
Newark, Lord Vance, J.
Newdegate, C. N. Vansittart, G. IL Newport, Lord Verner, Sir W.
Noel, lion. 0.3. 'Vernon, L. V.
North, Col. Villiers, Hon. F.
Oakes, .1. II. P. Vyvyan, Sir B.. B., Otway, A. J. Vyse, Col.
Packe, C. W. Waddington, D.
Pakington, Sir J. Walcott, Admiral
Palk, L. Walmsley, Sir J.
Palmer, Robert Walsh, Sir J. B.
Parker, R. Whiteside, J.
Philliinore, J. G. Whitmore, H.
Portal, M. Woodd, B. T.
Powlett, Lord W. Wyndham, Gen.
Pritchard, J. Wyndham, H.
Pugh, D. Yorke, Hon. E.
Robertson, P. F.
RUShOUt, Col. Taylor, CoL Bandana, G. Mandeville, Lord Scott, Hon. F. Seymer, H. K.
Bagge, William Devereux, John T. Hume, Joseph Palmer, Roundel' Dailey, Sir Joseph Hod. John WhitehallIrton, Samuel Peacocke, G. H. W. Baillie, Henry J. Duff, James Johnstone, Sir John Pennant, Hon. Col. Baird, James Duffy, Charles GavanJones, Captain Percy, Hon. J. Wm.
Baring, Henry B. Buncombe, Thomas Jones, David Peto, Samuel Morton Baring, En. Francis Duneombe, Hu, Art. Ker, David Stewart Ponsonby, H. A. G. Beamish, Francis B. Buncombe. Ha. Oct.Kerrison, Sir Ed. C. Power, Nicholas Beaumont, W. B. Dundas, George King, James King Price, Wm. Philip Beckett, William Hondas, Frederick Ringscote, R.. N. F. Repton Geo. W..7. Bective, Earl of Dunlop, Alex. M. Kirk, William Rice, Edward Boyd Bell, James Dunne, Michael Knight, Fred. Winn Roche. Edmund B. Bellew, Thomas A. Du Pm, C. George Laeon, Sir Edmund Rothschild, Baron Benbow, John Egerton, Sir Philip Langston, James H. Sadleir, James Bennet, Philip Ellice, Edward Lascelles, Hon. E. Seymour, Lord Berkeley, Hon. C. F.Emlyn, Viscount Laslett, William /Mee, William Bernard, Viscount Easton, Earl of Layard, Austen Hy. Sheridan, Richard B. Blake, Martin J. Evans, Sir De Lacy,Legh, Geo. Cornwall Shirley, Evelyn P.
Blandford, Marquis (in the Crimea) Lemon, Sir Charles Smith, M. Tucker Booth, 'Sir Robert G.Farnham, Edward H.Lewis, Ho. Sir T. F. Smith, Wm. Masters
Bowyer, George Fellowes, Edward Liddell, Hen. Geo. Somerset, Captain Bruce, C. L. C. Filter, Sir Edmund Littleton, Hon. E. R.Somerville, Sir W. H.
Bruce, Hen. Austin Foley, John H. H. Long, Walter Sotheron, T. II. S.
Buck, Lewis W. Forbes, William Lucas, Frederick Stafford, Augustus Buckley, General Forster, Sir George Lushington. C. M. Stanley, Iln. W. 0.
Bulkeley. Sir B.. B. Fox, Richard M. Macaulay, Rt. Hn.T.Starkie, Le Gendre Buller, Sir John Y. French, Fitzstephen Mackie, John Strutt, Rt. Hon. Ed.
Burghley, Lord Gladstone, Capt. M'Cann, James Sullivan, Michael Burke, Sir Thom. J. Goddard, Ambrose L.M'Taggart, Sir John Talbot, Chris. B., M. Burrell, Sir Chas. M.Goderich, Viscount Megan, William Hy. Tempest, Lord A. V. Cabbell, Benjamin B.Gore, William 0. Maguire, John F. (in the Crimea) Castlerosse, ViscountGoulburn, Rt. lin. H.Manners, Lord John Traill, George Cavendish, lion. G. Granby, Marquis of Marshall, William Vane, Lord Harry
Cayley, Edward S. Greaves, Edward Matheson' Alex. Vivian, John Ennis Challis, Alderman Greville, Col. Fulke Maxwell, Ha. J. 1'. Vivian, John Henry
Chandos, Marquis ofGuernsey, Lord Meagher, Thomas Waddington, H. S. Child, Smith Gwyn, Howel Mills, Thomas Walpole, Rt. Hon. S. Clifford, Henry M. Haddo, Lord Moffatt, George Walter, John Clive, Robert Raiford, Sir Henry Monck, Viscount Watkins, Colonel Colvile, Charles RL Hamner, Sir John Moody, Charles A. Welby, Sir G. E. Compton, Henry C. Harcourt, Col. Moore, George Hy. Wellesley, Lord C. Coote, Sir Charles H.Hawkins, Wm. W. Moore, Ross S. West, Frederick B.. Corbally, M. Elias Heard, John Isaac Morris, David Willcox, B. M`Ghie Cotton, Hon. W. H. Heathoote, Sir Wm. Mowatt, Francis Williams, Thos. P. Cranford, Ed. Hy. J.Henohy, D. O'ContiorMure, Colonel Willoughby, Sir Hy. Crook, Joseph Heneage, G. H. W. Norreys, Sir D. J. Wise, Ayshford Crossley, Frank Herbert, Hu. P. E. O'Brien, Sir TimothyWodehouse, Edmond Cubitt, Mr. AldermanHeywood, James O'Brien, Cornelius Wynn, Lieut.-Col. Dalrymple Viscountlleyworth, LawranceO'Flaherty, Anthony Wynn. Sir Watkin Davison, itichard Higgins, Geo. G. 0. Oliveira, Benjamin Wynne, Wm. W. E. Denison, Edmund Ilindley, Charles Ossulston, Lord Dent, John Dent Horsman, Edward Paget, Lord Geo.
The majority of 39 in favour of the second reading of the bill exhibits a large reduction in the majorities usually recorded in favour of Ministeral measures. This is owing to the hostile votes of gentlemen who for the most part go with the Minister ; such as Mr. Alcock, Mr. Bright, Mr. Mil- ner Gibson Mr. Cobden Mr. Montagu Chambers, Ur. William Fitzgerald, Mr. Richard Gardner (Leicester), Mr. Hadfield, Mr. Mita], Mr. Muntz, Sir John Shelley, Mr. John-Benjamin Smith, Sir Joshua Walmsley, Mr. John Morgan Cobbett, Viscount -Milton, Mr. Fitzwilliara (Malton), Mr. Ob. way,-Mr. John Phillimore, Mr. Richard Swift. Without extending the list further, it may be remarked that the names specified are nineteen in number, and that had the votes been given on the side of Ministers, the majority would have been swelled to 77; had they abstained from voting, the majority would have been 58. Birmingham and Sheffield were each -neutralized by the opposing votes of their Members; the Fizwilliam family went against Ministers ; the brothers Phillimore went into oppo- site lobbies. The Earl of Dalkeith, Sir Thomas Dyke Aeland, the Earl of Annesl, Mr. Bramston, Mr. Freshfield, Sir James East, Mr. Charles Stewart E., ardinge, Lord George Manners, Mr. Robert Stephenson, and Mr. Wigram, left their party and voted for the bill.
Of the preceding absentees the following Members neutralized the denial of their votes by "pairing WE"
Mr. Macaulay Mr. S. Child Mr. Stratt Mr. Buck Mr. Rice Mr. Dod Viscount Monk Mr. H. Liddell Hon. W. 0. Stanley Mr. Wynne Mr. Heard Lord Bernard Mr. Foley Mr. H. 'Waddington Lord Goderieh Marquis of Granby Geu, Buckley Mr. Compton Mr. Beaumont Mr. Forbes
Mr. Sheridan Mr. Clive Mr. G. Cavendish Mr. E. Lascelles Mr. E. Ellice son. Mr. Long Sir W. Somerville Sir G. Forster
Mr. Langston Mr. Davison Mr. W. Marshall Mr. Irton
Sir J. Johnstone Lord Ossulston Viscount Dalrymple Mr. Du Pre Mr. Mackie. Mr. H. Gwyn Lord Emlyn Mr. Greases Coles. H. B. Conolly, T. Corry, H. L. Davies, D. A. S. Deedes, W. Bering, Sir E. Disraeli, B. Drax, J. S. W. S. E. Drummond, H. Duckworth, Sir J. T. Buncombe. Hon. W. Dunne. Col. Egerton, W. T. Egerton, E. C. Maley, Lord Evelyn, W. J. Ferrer, .T. Fitzgerald, W. Fitzwilliasn, Hon. C. Floyer, .1.
Follett, B. S. Forester, Col. Franklyn, G. W. Frewen, C. H. Fuller, A. E. Gallwey, Sir W. Galway, Lord Gardner, B.. Ceske'', J. AL George, J. Gilman, T. M. Gilpin, Col. Gooch, Sir E. S. Graham. Lord H. GreeneII, G. Grogan, E. Guinness, R. B. Hadfield, G. Hale, R. B. Hall, Gen. Hamilton, Lord C. Hamilton, G. A. Hamilton, J. H. Banbury, Hon. C. Hayes, Sir E. Henley, J. W. Herbert. Sir T. Hildyard, B.. C. Hill, Lord A. E. Horafall, T. B. Hotham, Lord Hudson, G. Hume, W. P. Johnstone, I. Jolliffe, Sir W. G. Kelly, Sir F. Kendall, N. Kennedy, T. Knatchbull. W. Knightley, R. Knox, CoL
Knox, Hon. W. Laffan, M. M. Langton, W. G. Laurie, J.
Lennox, Lord A. Lennox, Lord H. Leslie, C. P. Liddell, lion. H. Lindsay, Hon. CoL Lisburne, Earl Lockhart, A. E. Lockhart, W. Loraine, Lord Lowther, Col. Lowther, Capt. Lytton, Sir G. E. Macartney, G. M'Gregor, M'Idahon, P. Maddock, Sir H. Moline, R.
March, Earl Masterman,