The indications of buoyancy that prevailed in Government Securities at the close of last week have been succeeded by a flat market ; for reasons chiefly Parliamentary,—namely, the possibility of a Ministerial crisis connected with the Foreign Enlistment Bill: and although the bill passed the second read- ing in the Commons on Tuesday, this produced no favourable impression, owing to the formidable opposition it had encountered. Yesterday the de- pression was augmented by the resolution moved by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the preceding night, and at that stage imperfectly under- stood, for an alteration in the present mode of dealing with the funds of Sa- vings-Banks and Friendly Societies, and provision for the interest. The feeling now is, that a Government guarantee for the depositors is the object in view, and not, as it was at-first thought, to obtain additional power to dispose periodically of the Stock standing in the names of the Commissioners. Among other circumstances of an adverse nature, may be named the suffer- ings.of the Army before Sebastopol, from weather and disease; an increased demand for money in the Stock Exchange and out of doors ; and continued decline in the French Funds, which letters from Paris attribute to the re- vival of the rumour that a loan, mentioned as 20,000,0001., is imminent. Consols have been done at 911 to 91, and close this evening at 91/ 1. Bank Stock and Exchequer Bills have not altered. Money, which is now worth 41 per ,cent on Government Securities, it is expected will be easier after the.receipt-of the January dividends, particularly KB the interest on several Foreign Stocks has been advertised for payment, including RUSSiall Four-and-a-half, Portuguese Three, Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred, and several American Securities. The returns by the Bank of France for the past month show that the heavy drain of bullion observable of late had-continued; and the decrease on this occasion was 1,700,000/. The total drawn from the establishment during the last quarter was 4,100,000!.; this will acorn/W for the ,depression in the French Funds having exceeded the fall on this side for several weeks past. The orn-market has exhibited it slight tendency to depression. The latest accounts from New York mention, that although the rate of exchange had declined to a point that would prevent the exports of specie, there had been no improvement -in the money-market. The arrival of gold from America by the -first packet this week did not exceed 32,000!.: none was received by the last packet. A decline had taken place in wheat, and the arrivals from the interior had increased, but shipments were not numerous, • tag to a belief that the recenalligh prices on this side would not be main- tained. There was an arrival yesterday of 22,200/. from Sydney. The shipments of specie by the Indus only -amounted to 17,7851.; including 16,0351. for Alexandria, where the transmission of gold affords a profit owing to a demand for wheat. Foreign Stocks have been steady, and there is little to report beyond an advance of 2 per cent in Austrian,, and 1 in Brazilian. Turkish Scrip has been in demand, and is 11 better. A payment of 15 per cent on 1,000,0001. of this loan was made on Saturday, and another 15 on that amount must be paid in January. A final instalment of 15 - per cent on 2,000,000/ was due on Tuesday. In the latter ease,. the full amount having now been paid up, it is queted in the ordinary way, and is today 741 5. The Railway Market has receded this week in sympathy with the English Funds, and sales have been freely made. The transactions in Great North- ern have been numerous, and early in the week it was in demand at 90 1 ; it is now 1/. lower. Caledonian has fallen 24, and London and North-Western 1/. Other lime hare declined from 10s. to 11. in several in- stances. Foreign Shares have been better maintained, as the traffic accounts continue favourable. There is little alteration this week in the quotations, but Eastern of Fiance and Northern of France are Sc. lower.
The English Funds are steady this Morning at the quotations of yesterday ; Consols for Accountare 911 1. Exchequer Bills 4 7. The bullion return by the Bank of England exhibits a small increase of 23,436/. In Foreign Stocks the only change is in Turkish paid-up Scrip, which is 1 higher, being 74-1 61. Railways are dull, and the only bargains recorded have been at the following prices—Caledonian, 60k; Great Western, 70; London and North- Western, 1001; South-Eastern, 581.'
3 per cent Consols
'shut Danish 3 per Cents 75 81
Ditto for Account
9i Dutch 24 per Cents 60 2 3 per Cent Reduced 904 14 Ditto 4 per Cents 90 2
New 3 per Cents ............. 911 i
Mexican 3 per Cents 21 4 Long Annuities 4 Peruvian 44 per Cents 69 71 Bank Stock 207 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 48 50 Exchequer Bills 4 7 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 97 9 Austrian 5 per Cents 83-6 ' Ditto 44 per Cents 87 9 Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 386 96 Belgian 46 per Cents 90 2 Ditto Deferred 18i 19} Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2 Sardinian 5 per Cents 53 5 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents
83 6
In the English Market business has been limited, and the Funds leave off 1 lower ; Console being 911 1. Exchequer Bills 4 7. Exchequer Bonds, 1859, have been done at 991 1. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing particular to refer to. Spanish Committee Certificates mark 5, and Turkish Scrip paid in full 751 1 41'5 for Account. In Railways the transactions have not been numerous, and they are with- out variation—Caledonian, 60'1- Eastern Counties, 11/ ; East Lancashire, 70; Great Northern, 90; Great Southern and Vi'esteni, (Ireland,) 91; Great Western, 70; Lancaster and Carlisle, 74; Lancashire and Yorkshire 72k; London and Blackwell, 8 • London, Brighton, and South Coast, 107; London and North-Western, 100;; Ditto Eighths, 11 ; London and South-Western, 831; Manchester. Sheffield, and Lineolnshire, 231 ; -Midland, 681; North Bri- tish, 311 ; North Eastern, (Berwiek,) 74; Ditto York, 521 ; South-Eastern, 581 ;' South Wales, 29; Aberdeen 991; Great Northern 6 per Cent, 1131 ; East Indian Extension, 21; Great 'Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 31; Ditto Obligations, 21; Paris and Lyons, 331; Royal Danish, 201; West Flanders, 3.1. Mines—Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 30; General, 141. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, -81f; 'London Chartered Bank of Australia, 211 ; South Australia, 421 ; - Union of Australia, 681. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 36; Crystal Palace 31 ; Electric Telegraph, 18; North British Australasian, -1; Peel River Land and Mineral, 21.