One Battle of the Alma, on paper or canvass, succeeds another. After speaking of Mr. Burford's panoramic battle, we come to Messrs. Col- naghi's lithographic one. This gives us more of a side-view of the field, intersecting it by the stream of the Alma, and confirming Mr. Burford's view of the general aspect of the ground itself, to which the print is pretty nearly confined. It is the work of Lieutenant Bredin, B.A.; who, writing from Sebastopol, says that many officers have seen it and praised its accuracy, every mound having been correctly drawn by Major Adye, RA.
Another of Messrs. Colnaghfs lithographs represents the loss of the Tiger; drawn on the spot by Lieutenant Montagu Buccleuch Dun of the Niger. A third, four or five feet in length, gives the three combined fleets attacking Sebastopol on the 17th October ; sketched by Lieutenant Mon- tagu O'Reilly, who has oftener than ones sought the bubble art even in the cannon's mouth. It is agreeably executed on the stone ; the attack- ing fleets themselves occupying the great bulk of tho picture, while Se- bastopol keeps dim, but not undetailed, in the background.