Mr. Forsyth, M.P. for Marylebone, though a Conservative, is almost
as keen as any Liberal on the side of the Christian pro- -ivinees of Turkey. In a speech delivered on Monday night, after distributing the prizes to the North Middlesex Rifle Corps, he :deprecated attacks on the courage of the Servian troops, and said that if Servia had had a large body of trained Volunteers, as England now has, the result of her desperate campaign against Turkey, might have been very different. He objected to treating Ramie as if she were an enemy in disguise, expressed his profound confidence in Lord Salisbury, and demanded an efficient reform of the administration of the Christian provinces, "with adequate and stringent guarantees." We suspect a very large number of Conservatives,—of the borough Conservatives especially,—will lake up, when Parliament meets, precisely the same line as Mr. Forsyth.