23 DECEMBER 1876, page 3

Mr. Forsyth, M.p. For Marylebone, Though A Conservative,...

as keen as any Liberal on the side of the Christian pro- - ivinees of Turkey. In a speech delivered on Monday night, after distributing the prizes to the North Middlesex Rifle......

In Dr. Schliemann's Exceedingly Interesting Account Of...

is called the tomb of Agamemnon at Mycenael he tells us that he has, to his own satisfaction at-all events, con- vinced himself that the large golden masks found on the faces of......

The German Government And The Liberal Party Have Been...

over the Judicature Bill upon what in this country we should call the " liberty-of-the-subject " clauses. The Liberals desired permission to prosecute officials, like other......

The Duke Of Richmond's Tenants Presented Him On Thursday...

with a portrait of himself, by Sir Francis Grant, as a sort of congratulatory recognition of his assuming the title of Duke of Gordon, as well aaDuke of Richmond. The Duke, in......

The Papers Have Hardly Noticed, Though The Times'...

has reported, that on Sunday, the 17th inst., the two Bulgarian delegates, MM. Cantoff and Balabanoff, were received by Herr von Bulow, Under-Secretary of the Foreign Office at......

Dr. Burdon Sanderson Read At The Last Meeting Of The

Royal Society an interesting paper on the electrical excitation of the fly-catching plant, the Dioncea muscipula. He showed that 'the effect produced on the contractile hairs by......

On Thursday, Mr. Cross, The Home Secretary, Made A Speech

at Liverpool, in delivering the prizes 'to the boys of the Liverpool College, in which he insisted on the very.important and at pre- sent needful principle that it is much......

It Seems That The Last School Board Of London Asked

the various provincial Boards to join them in requesting the Govern- ment to appoint a Royal Commission for the purpose-of reform- ing and simplifying the present methods of......

Consols Were On Friday 94 To 94a.
