O N Thursday night, at the Albert Hall, the Prime Minister
addressed an.immense meeting of Free-traders gathered from all parts of London. After the usual platform generalities, which were not unduly prolonged nor unduly platitudinous, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman made an announcement which, as we have pointed out elsewhere, must fill all Imperialists who know and care anything about India with the utmost satisfaction. As we ventured to predict last week would be the case, the new Government have determined that they will not take upon themselves the heavy responsibility of carrying into effect the revolution in the Indian Constitu- tion which Lord Kitchener and Mr. Brodrick were about to force upon-the Government of India, but which happily had not yet been carried out in any particular. The blow aimed at the Empire by a Government that pretended to a monopoly of Imperialism has been warded off by one which is denounced by its opponents as incapable of realising the higher Imperial interests.