23 DECEMBER 1905, page 14

Wrote To You On This Subject The Week Before Last

because I thought Mr. Parker Smith had not stated Adam Smith's views quite fully enough. Adam Smith's doctrine, as I understand it, is that the employment of capital in the home......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Have Read Your Able

article under this heading in the Spectator of December 16th. I hope that you are right in stating that the British public has grasped the essential matter at issue,—namely, the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SIR,—The Lancashire cotton trade that was " going " has made in profit this year £680,000. This sum is the net gain of eighty-eight mills, representing 7,300,000 spindles with a......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. "]

year ago you were kind enough to print some lettere of mine on this subject. Will you allow me to express shortly my views on the difficulty in the present crisis ? As a......

[to The Editor Of The " Rotator-1

SIR,—It is impossible for me to share the complacent optimism with which the Spectator regards the present posture of affairs. Though a Free-trader, I am still, above all......