23 DECEMBER 1905, Page 1

We have described elsewhere the thoroughly sound decision which the

Government have come to in regard to Chinese labour, and the firm and loyal attitude they have adopted towards France, and will not dwell upon those points again. As to Ireland, we can only say that Sir Henry Campbell- Bannerman's remarks left the status quo unaltered, and the status 'quo when he spoke was that the Liberal Government are pledged not to introduce any measure for the establishment of a separate Parliament in Ireland. We hold that from the electioneering point of view Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman would have been better advised to have stated the fact in specific terms, but we cannot, perhaps, wonder that, at a time when political tactics play so large and so equivocal a part in our public life, be is inclined to despise tactical considera- tions. We take it also that Sir Henry is one of those men who, having got into a difficulty—and unquestionably the Stirling speech as interpreted by Lord Rosebery (most unfairly, as we hold) was a difficulty—think that the only wise thing is to say as little as possible, lest fresh explanations should lead to fresh complications. After all, it does not greatly matter. As we have pointed out elsewhere, the real guarantee against Home- rule is the presence of Mr. Asquith, Sir Edward Grey, and Mr. %Mane in the Cabinet; and the proof that no strain will be put upon them is the acceptance by the Premier and the whole party of the perfectly straightforward line in regard to HOme-rule adopted by Mr. Asquith on Tuesday.

' We cannot find space to summarise the rest of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's speech, but may say generally that,