(TO THE EDITOR. OP THE *SPECTATOR.") am glad to be able to report that, including sums received and promised, the entire £12,000 required for the purchase of Gowbarrow Fell and Aira Force has been secured well within the appointed time, and that the National Trust is in a poisition to proceed with the purchase in the New Year. Will you allow me to express our thanks for the hospitality with which your columns have been opened to us, and for the generous response of so many of your readers? We shall still be glad to receive contributions from any who desire to take part in the scheme. Twelve thousand pounds is the bare purchase price, and there are legal and other expenses to be met, which, unless specially subscribed, will tax seriously the general funds of the Trust. Besides this, as we stated in our appeal, there is land of special beauty which we greatly hope to obtain, adjoining that now to be bought ; for this land we have a five years' option of purchase, and to this we shall devote any additional funds which reach us.—I am, Sir, &c., 190 Marylebone Road, N.W. 0 CTAVIA HILL.