Captain Berkeley has resigned his Mike of Lord of the A dmiralty ; and is succeeded by Sir John Pechell. The gallant Captain had pub- lished a letter to Sir John Barrow on the system of war and peace com- plements in the Navy, which contained strictures on the system eV manning the navy, not to be tolerated from a junior member of the Board of Admiralty.
The following gentlemen have been promoted to the rank of Queen', counsel--Mr. Richards. son of the late Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Mr. Ilayter, M.P. for Wells, Mr. Girdlestoae, and Mr. Stewart.
Sir William Follett is suffering from a Severe attack of inflammation in the bowels.
Mr. Edward Hay Drummond Hay has been appointed President and Senior Member of the Council in the Virgin Islands ; and Mr. James Walker, Treasurer of Trinidad.