News Of Tiie Week.
Ti n t preliminary movement on the Corn question has been made this week in both Houses of Parliament ; and its supporters have suffered a repulse, for which they could not be......
A Packet-ship From New York Has Brought American...
the 2d instant. There is no news of political importance from Canada. The hangman, once let loose upon an afflicted com- munity, finds increasing employment : three more......
The Continental Intelligence Received During The Week Is...
mention. In France, preparations for the election occupy the press and politicians of all classes. There seems to be a general impression that the King and Count Moi.e are......
1:9tbate% Ant( Iprorcoings In Varliaincnt.
TIIE CORN-LAWS. The early part of Monday evening iv as occupied by the Lords in the presentation and reception of petitions in favour of and against the Corn-laws. In number of......
On The 6th Of January, A Formidable British...
according to one account, of nine vessels of war, while another makes the number fourteen—had appeared in the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. PAEENHAM, the 'British Envoy to Mexico, after......