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In Lord Normanby's reply to an address from the inhabitants of Dublin on his departure for England, this sentence occurs— "The impending departure which has produced these demonstrations was at this time egnally unexpected and unwelcome. A sense of imperative duty calls me away—an obligation which 1 could hardly feel, if I did not at the same time believe that in aedillicult emergency my decision, however painfid, was the best for Ireland."
[It has been generally reputed and believed that Lord Normanby earnestly solicited his own recall, and has for some time teazed Lord Melbourne to give him an office in England or abroad ; being at all events anxious to get rid of the Irish Viceroyalty. But, o(course, Lord Normanby's is the true statement, and all the rumours have been malicious inventions.]
Mr. O'Connell arrived in Dublin on Sunday, after a tempestuous pas- Sage of thirty-seven hours from Liverpool. Ile addressed a meeting of Precursors on Monday, at the Corn Exchange. Mr. O'Connell did not appear, and did not speak, in good spirits. He confessed that the Pre-
cursors were not so numerous as he had hoped they would be; and that he must have two millions to obtain "justice for Ireland." Time num- ber as yet enrolled is only 74,0001
'The Lords Justices, who are to rule Ireland in default of a Lori- Lieutenant, are the Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of Dublin, and the Comillauder of the Forces.
Al?. Somerset Maxwell has been elected for Cavan Comity, and Mr. Pigot for Clonmell—both without oppositiom