The Select Committee whieh in the last session of Parliament
was engaged in pursuing an inquiry into Church property, with a view to the better management of the same, was reappointed at the commence- ment of the present session. At a meeting of this Committee on Wed- nesday last, it was determined not to receive further evidence. An adjournment to Monday next was ageeed on ; when the Committee will draw up resolutions on which its report to the Ilcmse of Commons will be founded.--Glohe.
Mr. Robert Bosley, of Northampton Square, has published a letter, distinctly asserting that there has been " gross mismanagement atel misapplication in the administration of the finds " of the Church-rate Abolition Society ; and that before the Socioty can rally, it must be " taken out of the present hands." Mr. Besley says that in the account in the ledger of the Potriet newspaper, w hich received large sums for reports of Church-rate meetings, there was "art eiwxrfee line aml that one of the anditors, a lawyer, said he shonld be sorry to go into court with any cause supported by ;mei] evidence.