Last night, a public meeting of the electors of Southwark
was held in Davis's Riding-school, to take measures for securing the reelection of Mr. D. W. Harvey. Resolutions to that effect were passed unani- mously. Mr. Harvey then addressed the meeting ; and afterwards in- troduced Colonel Thompson ; who, though not an elector of Southwark, urged on the electors, front personal experience, the importance of send- ing Mr. Harvey back to the House without elay, to be "the terror and scourge of hypocrites of all classes." With reference to allusions made by preceding speakers to the Corn-laws, he said-- Time enemy need not rejoice ; it was reckoning without their host. The Delegates, it was true, were gone to their constituents: but it was with in- structions to take each seven spirits worse than himself, and be back with them In Westminster in three weeks.