23 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 13



Situ—T think the public ought to be told, what is indeed obvious to many, tb.d the author of 77n- Cfin-hmaker, Bubb/cs of (tin it'!', Letters in the Times its'' a Colonist," and Mr. Justice IELITISURTON Of Nova Scotia, are one and lucerne person. And your readers may learn something more front a brief Ii 41C.: Of the very different parts which he plays under these four designations. The Yankee slang of Sam Slick is but a pleasant means thr the conveyance of thsa:,recable truths to the Blue-noses of Nova Seotia. The plain object of the book is to make the Novascotians ashamed of their sloth and poverty. With this view the Judg,e draws many. a contrast between the Yankees and the Mae-noses, infinitely to the advantage of the former. Lord DURHAM, in his %Tort, says—" A highly popular work, which is known to be from the pen of one of your Majesty's chief functionaries in Nova Scotia, abounds in assertions RllIl illustrations of the backward and stagnant condition of that Province, and the great superiority of the neighbouring American settleinents. An bough the author, with a natural disinclinatioo to question the excellence Si government, attributes this mortifying circumstance entirely to the folly of lt,y people, in neglecting their farms to occupy themselves in complaining of gruevanees and aliases, he leaves no doubt of the thet." In a word, the author of ,The Ctockmaker is, though perhaps unconsciously, a vigorous Reformer. I iii author of the Babbles is a mere bookseller's penny-catcher, or a very Clockmaker, who palms worthless wares on the public for " genu-ine." The hook was bought in the expectation of finding.- it full of fun : it is little more than it reprint of stale official documents with it fatiguingly prosy commentary.

The "Colonist" of the Times is a colonial official, staggering with shame and fear under the "heavy blow and great discouragement" to colonial bunt- bureaucracy of 1.ord Di:nt I AM'S Report.

Justice IIALLIBURTON is a District Judge of Nova Scotia, resident in P.mgland. There is another gentleman in the same predicament—Chief Jus- tice lionrssoN of Upper Canada, the head of that " Family Compact" which Lord DURHAM has ventured to expose. Why are not these functionaries sent about their proper business? Lord GLENEW would have answered with a yawn. Pray, MT. SPECTATOR, put the question to Lord. NORMANBY ; aini