BIRTHS. On the 14th inst., at Dorchester, the wife of
Major-General Michel, of a daughter. On the 14th, at Bray, the Lady Harriet Lynch Meese, of a son.
On the 16th, at 61, Cadogan-place, the Lady Mary Reade, of a son.
On the 16th, at Merrion-square, Dublin, the lady of the Right Hon. J. D. Fitz- Gerald, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 14th inst., at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, George Henry Lawrence, B.C.S., son of General G. St. 1'. Lawrence, Bengal Cavalry, to Margaret, second daughter of the late Rev. It. Staveley, Prebendary of St. Munchin's, Limerick. On the 21st, at St. Marylebone Church, by the Rev. Prebendary James, Arthur Julius Pollock, Esq., M.D., seventh son of the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron, to
Ellen, daughter of the late Charles Bailey, Esq., of 5, Stratford-place, and Lee
Abbey, Lyston, North Devon. DEATHS.
On the 8th inst, Captain Henry White, 13th Light Dragoons, second son of
Colonel White, M.P., of Wootllands, county of Dublin. On the 9th, at Shell House, Exmouth, Francis Denby, Esq., A.R.A., aged 68.
On the 12th, at Brighton, Lieutenant-General John Leslie, Kit., Colonel of H.M.'s 35th Regiment, in the 71st year of his age. On the 16th, at l'aris, the Dowager Lady Congleton, in her 79th year.