News Of The Week.
THE Emperor's pamphlet, La France, Rome, et ?Italie, signed as usual by M. de la Guerronniere, has appeared, and apparently disap- pointed anticipation. It was expected to......
Mr. Turnbull's Case Has Been Carried Before Lord...
Monday, a deputation, headed by the Marquis of Normanby, waited on the Premier, to beg him not to accept Mr. Turnbull's re- signation. Professor Pearson presented a memorial to......
The Election For Aberdeenshire Has Ended In The Triumph Of
the Conservatives. The two candidates were Mr. Leslie, and the honour- able Arthur Gordon. The latter was nominated in his absence, and thus contended at a disadvantage. The......
The National Rifle Association Is Now Coming Again Into...
nence. It deserves support, and ample support can only be obtained by ample publicity. At the general meeting on the 15th, Lord Her- bert of Lea presided, and made a speech, in......