It is necessary to mention that the crisis has impaired
M. Carnot's popularity. He is accused of relying on his Military Secretary, General Brugere, and of allowing him to play the part of Cabinet-maker, and also of indecision. We elsewhere suggest reasons for supposing he was decided, though on a rather weak course of action ; but so strong grew the feeling among politicians, that the expediency of compelling him to resign and electing M. de Freycinet in his place, was freely debated. We question if the project was seriously entertained ; but the fact that it should have been started shows how instinc- tively French parties when excited recur to the idea of a strong individual at the head of the State. M. de Freycinet does not strike Englishmen as strong ; but he first held office under a dictatorship, and certainly succeeded in imposing his gigantic plans for public works upon many hesitating col- leagues. Of all men, he is the most responsible for the con- dition of the finances ; and if he . were President, he would realise many of his designs. His chance has probably passed away with the crisis, but there is no love lost between him and the President ; and it is important to recollect that the delays, failures, and intrigues which have marked the crisis have weakened the Presidency as well as the cohesion of parties in the Chamber.