Hungary Has Been Disturbed By An Explosion Of Popular Wrath.
Among the clauses of the new Army Bill were two, one confirming the practice of using German words of command, and another providing that the examinations of the lads who......
Mr. Howorth, In An Admirable Letter To Tuesday's Times, Sum-
marises the arguments of the worshippers at Mr. O'Brien's shrine, and shows how ludicrously wide of the honours of martyrdom Mr. O'Brien has shown himself to be. Mr. O'Brien has......
Sir Henry James Made A Speech On Monday At Northampton
which reassures those who are disposed to lament over the gradual disappearance of political dignity and firmness. He admitted that Ireland had had grievances, but said that......
The Sepoy Army To Be Formed For The Defence Of
the German possessions in East Africa will consist, it is said, of two thousand men, part of whom will be Egyptian Blacks and part Zulus. The combination is a curious one, but......
Those Who Have Seen The Signatures To The Letter In
which the friends of the Rev. J. Llewelyn Davies express their gratitude for his work in London, will be struck by the very large number of thinkers, one of them a Roman......
The German Emperor Recently Received An Embassy From...
unusual honour, entertaining the Envoy and his suite in the White Hall, surrounded by his whole military Court, in a style hitherto reserved for the representatives of the......
Mr. W. H. Gladstone Is Suffering A Good Deal From
the =- comfortable results of his father's severe denunciations of the policy of eviction. On the Hawarden estate he has been exercising, apparently in a very temperate and......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent, New Consols (2k) Were On
Friday 991 to 99.......