The German Emperor recently received an Embassy from Morocco with
unusual honour, entertaining the Envoy and his suite in the White Hall, surrounded by his whole military Court, in a style hitherto reserved for the representatives of the greatest Princes. He has promised, moreover, to send a special embassy to Fez, to lay choice presents at the foot of the Shereefian throne. Such formalities have meaning in Berlin, and it is now stated, apparently on sufficient autho- rity, that the German Emperor has promised to protect Morocco against the tutelage now exercised by Europe, and that Morocco in return has ceded the territory on the Mediter- ranean between Melilla and the frontier of Algiers. Judging from the maps, the ceded district includes a large and sheltered harbour, where the Germans intend to establish a coaling- station and a dockyard. This annexation introduces a new Power into the Mediterranean, and will be felt in Paris as a great blow, for the German Admiral, in addition to his own squadron, will have the aid of the Italian fleet.