23 FEBRUARY 1918, Page 10


[TO THE EDITOR or THE " SPIECTATOR."] SIR,—In "A. C. B.'s " letter of February 9th there occurs this sen- tence: "It is well to hear from the Bishop of London that our younger clergy have at last been admonished and found ready to go and fight for their country." Does this sentence mean that the Arch- bishop's veto is withdrawn, and that our younger clergy may take commissions or enlist? If it means this, it is the first pews of it that has come to me, and I rejoice with my whole heart. It has been a cause of shame to me and to thousands that while men like Monteith of Elie, and many others, have left comfortable livings in Scotland and taken up the sword to fight with their fellows in these battles of the Lord, the young curates of the Church of England have been forbidden to do this noble thing, and have only too tamely accepted the non possnmus attitude, in the face of the crying need of our country. If the interdict is indeed withdrawn, ,these "fighting parsons" will be a splendid leaven in the mass of our armies.—I am, Sir, &J.,