The Cult Of The "limerick."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'!] SIR,—Many Anglo-Indian readers of the article on "Limericks" in the February Cornhill will have been disappointed to find no mention of T.......
English Church Woodwork.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT0112] feel I must enter a brief protest against the article by your contributor "C. W.-E." in reference to Crossley and Howard's English Church......
(to Thz Ed/tor Of The " Spectator."] Sia,—as A Dog-lover I
read the letter in the last number of the Spectator with interest, but may I protest against Pekingese being classed among the "odoriferous and useless," for if properly treated......
The Camps Library.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sue—You would be greatly assisting our troops in the various theatres of war if you would be good enough to remind your readers of how......
London Educational Councils.
[To FEZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] would draw the attention of your readers to the progress of the Educational Councils in several London boroughs. The first of these Councils......
The Art Of Eulogy.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.' ! ] Sia,—Your correspondent Mr. H. Wignall, whose letter appears in the last number of the Spectator on "The Art of Eulogy," attributes to......
The Dog Tax.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—As to what kind of dogs people should be encouraged to keep your correspondent's excellent suggestions will be looked upon as a counsel......