23 FEBRUARY 1918, Page 12


BEFORE BATTLE. (Spring, 1918.) BEFORE BATTLE. (Spring, 1918.) 0 GREAT eternal Spirit of Good, Whom we, Thy children men, adore, Attend the prayer, in patient Parenthood, We now in faith outpour.

Now, in this pregnant waiting hour, Preparing for the fight to be, We pray Thee aid us with Thy mighty power To purge Thy world for Thee. But well we know that Thou wilt aid' • • (Our prayer but heartens us themore); - And now the Spring winds blow that Thou haat made.

• Make firm the fields of war,.

Grant that, inspired as by Thy breath; - Like Some greet gale *e; too, be hurled, A cleansing force, to break And 'sweep to death • A foul thing from the world.

As warriors rush into the fight Clasping a comrade's stirrup fast, • So slinging to the chariot of Thy Might, Shall we prevail at last.

Nay, more : so doth Thy power enfold

Our hearts, we feel that, closer still, We are the very weapon in Thy hold

To work Thine awful Will.

Thy weapon ! Vibrant through and through With Thee!. Oh, grant we bring to dust This devil brood, and build Thy realm anew With ruthless thrust on thrust; That, at the last, great Spirit of Good, 'Mid all Thy worlds, this world and we

Grow clean and fit to claim Thy Fatherhood—

Or bid us cease to be! HABBEETON LULILIM.