Bolo Pasha, after a long trial before a Paris Court-Martial,
was on Thursday week condemned to death for treason. It was conclusively proved that he had had dealings with the enemy in Switzerland and America as well as in France, and that he had received 11,000,000 francs from Germany, partly through the ex-Khedive in Switzerland, partly through German-American banks by arrange- ment with Count Benastorff. The clever rogue probably duped his German paymasters very much as he had duped many honest men and confiding women in the course of his career. Much of the German money was doubtless spent on Bob's private pleasures. But Germany's purpose was served if any part of the Bolo millions helped to finance the traitorous Pacificism which M. Clemenceau and the French nation are resolved to extirpate at all costs. Bob's condemnation is a mere prelude to a series of trials. The latest prominent personage to be arrested is Senator Charles Humbert, the proprietor of the Paris Journal, which was to be bought in German interests.