The British Government have been obliged to threaten reprisals for
Germany's recent condemnation of two British airmen to penal servitude for the " crime " of dropping educational leaflets upon enemy territory. Signor Luigi Barzini, special correspondent of the Corriere della Sera, has no difficulty in showing that of this particular " crime " Germany should be an excellent judge. It is Perpetrated systematically, in Italian territory, by the air-delivery of picture-postcards, newspapers, pamphlets, manifestoes, and even books. Sometimes Italian soldiers are thus advised that
peace is at hand, and that they should imitate the example of the Russians. Again, they are warned that American assistance means ultimate slavery for Italy and France. The Austrians even provide " telegrams " from Washington to prove American insincerity. These messages from the air range from friendliness to insult ; Italy is told she is a beggar, on the verge of bankruptcy. This bombardment by words helps to expound the German mind to Italian soldiers, and provides light and amusing literature for the men in the trenches. Germany's condemnation of her own practice as a " crime " on our airmen's part throws no new light on the German mind. The all-rightness of any German act, and the all-wickedness of any non-German act, is a fundamental belief, not weakened in any way even if the acts happen to be identical.