A Library List
MISCELLANEOUS :-Selene of Logic. By Hegel. _Translated by W. H. Johnston and L. G. Strathers. (G. Allen and Unwin. 32s. Two volumes) On Getting There. By R. A. Knox: (Methuen 5s.)=--The Gardener's Year Book, 1929. (Philip Allan. 5s.)-The Old Cottages-and Farm-houses of Norfolk. By C. J. W. Messent. (H. W. Hunt, Norwich. 10s.) LITERARY :-For Dams to Peck At. By Monk Gibbon. (Gollancz. 6s.)-Cambridge Poetry, 1929. (Hogarth Press. 3s. 6d.)-Time and Memory. By F. L. Lucas. (Hogarth Press. 4s. 6d.)-The Passing of Guto and Other Poems. By Huw Menai. (Hogarth Press. 4s. 6d.) -The China Cupboard and Other Poems. By I. Graves. (Hogarth Press. 4s. 6d.) Iterrouv :-The Constitutional Development of Jamaica. By • K. M. Whitson. (Manchester University Press. 12s. 6d.) -The Chancery under _Edward III. By B. Wilkinson. (Manchester University Press. 17s. 6d.)-The Guillo- tine and its Servants. By G. Lenotre. (Hutchinson. 21s.)-The Fall of the Russian Empire. By E. A. Walsh. (Williams and Norgate. 16s.) BIOGRAPHY :-Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria. By J. Redlich. (Macmillan. 21s.)-At Sea with Nelson. By William Mark. (Sampson Low. 12s. 6d.) Vathek. By William Beckford. (Constable. 31s. 6d. Two volumes.)--L./lef. 8046. By D. W. King. (Arrow- smith. 5s.)-The Life of Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams. By the Earl of Ilehester and Mrs. Langford-Brooke. (Thornton Butterworth. 21s.) EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY :-Elizabethan and Jacobean-Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his Son-The Rights of Women. By Mary Wollstonecraft-The Heroic Deeds of Gargan- Ma and Pantagruel. By F. Rabelais. Two volumes - A Letter from Sydney. By E. G. Wakefield. (Dent. 2s.) NOVELS :-Like Shadows on the Wall. By W. B. Maxwell. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)-The Dark Mile. By D. K. Broster. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)----Young Woodley. By John van Druten. (Putnam. 7s. 6d.)-The Father. By Katharine H. Brown. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.) -Paper Houses. By W. Plomer. (Hogarth Press. 7s. fld.)