It Follows That Reforms In British India Must Be Con-
ditioned to a .considerable extent by the good will of-the States. All the native rulers possess : Treaties which solemnly recognize the integrity of their Stites and promise......
On Friday, February 15th, Sir'esme Howard, The British'...
Washington, suggested that Great Iiiitain . would make another effort " before long " to bring about an agreement on naval limitation. He said that Great Britain had delayed her......
It Will Be Noted That The Reception Of The Harcourt
Report coincided with the remarkable resolution passed 'by the Chamber of Princes last week declaring their unqualified opposition to all movements in British India which aim at......
News Of The Week T T Has Been Made Known By
the India O ffi ce that the- Report of Sir Harcourt 'Butler's Committee on the position of the Indian States in relation to future reforms in British India was received at the......
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Landon, W.C. 2. — A Subicriptiori to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of ths world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......