General Knowledge Questions
Out weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. A. J. Lodge, Raglan House, Malvern Link, Worcs., for the following
Questions on the British Army
1. What is the badge and motto of the Royal Marines ?
2. What is the 'derivation of the word " soldier "
3. What regiment is entitled to march through the City of London with drums beating and colours flying, and why ?
4. Explain the rank and title of Cornet and Ensign
5. Why were there no Ensigns in Fusilier regiments ? 8. Why are the " Life Guards " so called ?
7. What is the old name of the Royal Scots (1st regiment of foot).
8. What regiment prior to the Great War had one Battalion only ?
9. What is the " Flash," and by which regiment is it worn to-day ?
10. Which regiments wear as a badge the plume of the Prince of Wales, three ostrich feathers with motto " Ich dien " ? 13. -What ie the special badge of all Light Infantry regiments ? 12. What is the 'derivation of the word bayonet-!
13. Which are the two celebrated Cavalry regiments recently converted into Armoured Car Corps ?
Answers will be found on page x.