The annual report of the Provident Mutual Life Assurance Society
published last week is an excellent one. There is expansion all along the line, and in the matter of Life Assurance policies, annual premiums showed an increase over the previous year of nearly £100,000. The total premium income for the life assurance fund was £889,713, as against £771,266 in the previous year. Claims by death amounted to £151,108 (including bonus additions), as against £167,459. Claims by survival under endowment assurance were greater, totalling £231,951, as compared with £180,287. The amount of the life assurance fund at the end of the year was £6,523,390, representing an increase during the year of £182,314. The board are maintaining the interim bonus at the increased rates declared in 1928, that is to say, to whole life policieS, whose age (nearest birthday) is sixty-five or more at the date of death, 50s. per cent. per annum ; to whole life policies whose age is less than sixty-five at the date of death, 45s. per cent. per annum ; and to endowment assurance poliey-holders, 40s. per cent. per annum.