23 FEBRUARY 1929, Page 47


Lord Bearsted, chairman of the V.O.C. Holding Company, had a good report to place before the shar•Jiolders at the meeting held last week. Output and profits have steadily increased, and the company is now paying dividends of 20 per cent. It is clear, therefore, that the majority of shareholders are well satisfied with the results accruing. At the same time, it is common knowledge that what is known as a minority group maintain that the company is not getting a sufficiently high price for its oil, and that for that and other reasons the profits should be even greater. The point is a debatable one, and one which can only be thrashed out by experts in the oil industry. It seems a pity, however, that in a concern which is undoubtedly prospering acrimonious discussions should characterize every meeting, both sides to the contro- versy making suggestions and imputations of an undesirable character. In view, however, of the rise in profits, dividends, and the price of the shares, it is not surprising that the shareholders as a whole should show no disposition to disturb present arrangements.