Sin,—In order to utilize the latent solidarity and fellow- feeling which exists among people suffering from diabetes, it is hoped to form a Diabetic Association which will promote research and better treatment and help in the solution of the particular social, economic and personal problems which confront sufferers.
Most of the leading diabetic consultants and heads of hospital clinics have already promised their support, and it now remains to interest the general body of diabetics together with doctors, nurses and social organizations. It is therefore proposed to ask for subscriptions and (a) establish a general fund ; (b) select a council from the first subscribers ; (c) issue a quarterly journal.
Arrangements so far have been made by a small pro- visional committee. It has no funds and its clerical staff is Voluntary. The committee has therefore decided to invite the adhesion of foundation members willing to subscribe £5 to enable the Association to be established on a sound basis. A meeting of foundation members can then be called to draft a constitution and to detail a plan of action.
The provisional secretary is Dr. Stella Churchill, to whom suggestions and all requests for information should be sent. The provisional address is 59 Doughty Street, London, W.C. 1.
—I am, Sir, &c., H. G. WELLS. 47 Chiltern Court, Clarence Gate, N.W. 1.