" Southern " Stocks.
Most of the annual reports of the English trunk railways have proved to be of a satisfactory character, but, perhaps' first place must be given to the statement of the Southern......
Selfridge Profits Higher.
Signs of better trade are noticeable in the returns of the big Stores, and the annual report of Selfridge and Co. for the year to January 31st last showed an improvement in the......
Australia's Recovery.
The great success of these operations has been due to four main causes. The first and perhaps the most important has been the cheapness of money, which has driven British......
Bradford Dyers.
Another hopeful industrial report which has appeared recently is that of the Bradford Dyers' Association. The profit for the year, before deducting depreciation and Deben- ture......
Courtaulds' Improvement.
Not by any means for the' first time, the market for Home Industrial securities has received a fillip from good results announced by Courtaulds. Moreover, it is a good feature......
Altstrallan Conversions.
In view of the strength of high-class investment securities I have little doubt that the latest Australian Conversion Loan—the particulars of which became known last Tuesday—......
A Hundied Years Ago
STOCK EXCHANQE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Our market has been in a state of great activity and excitement during the whole week ; and the business trabsacted both in the English and......
Wandsworiti And District Gas.
At the meeting held this week of shareholders of the Wandsworth and District Gas Company, the Chairman, Mr. Frank H. Jones, called attention to the fact that the company will......
The Latest Report Of The British South Africa Company Is
a satisfactory one, the profit being 1308,928 against /172,900. Among other things, the report shows that the deficit on the railways, where liabilities under guarantees are......