A Hundied Years Ago
Our market has been in a state of great activity and excitement during the whole week ; and the business trabsacted both in the English and Foreign Funds has been unusually-extensive. It is understood that the accumulation of balances in the hands of the Bank of England is so great, that the Directors have come to determination of advancing another sum of one million upon the security of Stock. The loan has been made to an eminent capitalist at the rate of 24 per cent. Upon this circumstance becoming known, a rise took place in the prices of all the English Funds ; which have improved nearly 1 per cent. upon the closing prices of last week- 'Consols' for Accoiint- haVe been at 914 ; but close lower, the last quotation being 904 4. New 34 per Cents. have been also in demand at 98 and 984 ; the impulse given to the market last week by the large purchase for the Corporation of Londcin being fully sustained. India Stock still continues to improve, and is today at 253. Bank Stock is 2174 and Exchequer Bills 49 52.