Shippers and Subsidies The Liverpool Steam Ship Owners . issued,
on Wednesday, their annual report, and although it has been given little prominence in the daily Press it is an important document. It suddenly marks a turning.. point in the debate on subsidies, for Liverpool who, up to the end of last year, declaimed against artificial aid for anything in general, and in particular for tramps, now comes out with an appeal to the Government to " consider " subsidies : provided that they are, first, applied . equitably to all branches of shipping, and, secondly, accompanied by other measures which will restore free trade. At the same time Liverpool presents an impressive list of the disabilities laid on British shipping from 1914 onwards, some of which Liverpool considers the Government should shoulder. The argument that since the Government reduces freights by limiting imports it ought to recompense the shippers is valid enough in theory, but can hardly be very seriously intended. Protection always does penalize shippers ; that is one of the counts against it. The general con- tention that shipping should always be aided as an essential part of home defence would command more consideration.