" The Spectator" Crossword No. 74
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue.]
ACROSS 1. Where Dracula lived.
13. It trains vine (snag.).
15. Prototype, perhaps, of the modern pavement vocalist. 17, 29. Where the Force meets Cook.
18. Half back round a child's garment.
20. Move hurriedly. In Spain, were I first.
21. A new advertising medium. 23 rev. Behead and curtail a
Yorkshire Valley (and con- stituency).
24. Vort-.
27. F and a Dominion are missing, and I hope you don't catch it.
28. A most prolific, though modest, author.
29. See 17.
30. End of a Dickens Serjeant.
31. What Mr. Neville Cham- berlain is after.
33. Charles James Fox's brother (affectionately) is missing from a Greek tragic trilogy.
34, 36 d. Prefatory French article would make it a French vegetable.
35. El Abet of true fraternal unity.
37 rev. Lion or port may be.
39. Apologies used to be in Punch.
40 rev. A thousand more, and it might be grand.
DOWN 1. Julius Caesar asked him for a drink.
2. End of 24.
3 Does the physicist say, " Up, guards and -" ?
4 rev. A Pre-Raphaelite poet at the Lido might write Songs Before-.
5. Adjective for ladies unwil- lingly carried away. •
6 rev. In Lear and New York State.
7. Same as 31.
9. Let it be printed, when
Zulu troops intermixed with
the Royal Marines go first. 10 rev. Mr. Bevan, M.P.
11. The Terrible.
12. Their goal is the word at the top of last week's puzzle. 14. Courtois found it in 1812 from the ashes of sea-plants.
16. One of Bulwer Lytton's 44 lasts:, 19 rev. He wears a black and light-blue tie.
22 rev. The Academician has left Mr. Max Beerbohm's address.
25. What one of the friends of the author of The Diary of a Nobody sounded like.
26. Beer up is kingly down. 28. Turn up a theatrical periodical.
32. Refuge of lions, literary aid otherwise.
33 rev. A decoration.
36. See 34.
37. When reversed, American city.
38, 37. Fancy spelling for a vehicle which might be Charles'.