" THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 51 [A prize of
a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Wednesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Wednesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.] The winner of Crossword No. 50 is Mrs. Greener, Witton Lodge, Audlem, Cheshire.
ACROSS T. Do people play this with their.collars turned up? (8).
8. Conjuring pilgrims (7).
9. A disciplinarian (8). io. Two beasts for one (7).
12. Distress (6).
13. With this instrument it's a case of heads I win (5). 17. Not a stable pigeon (4).
19. Where sound judgement
meets with its reward? (2 words) (5, 5).
21. May it be said to be more honoured on the beach than in the observation? (to).
22. A sociable weapon (4). 25. " Three - and a cow " (5).
27. 1 his path is not the one to the altar (6).
29. It makes me short (7).
31. One might travel in this to itself (8).
32. Art's reversed its following (7).
33. Poe's confused, though he has his uses (8).
I. Mother ask Rose (2 words),
(6, 4). 2. Shirts and opinions are (5).
3. Newbolt wrote of them at Cabul in 1879 (6).
4. South African road travel
5. Change for a new guinea, so to speak (5).
6. The house at Allington was (5).
7. A man of incomplete mys- tery (5). "And from his - bal- dric slung A mighty silver bugle hung " (7).
II and 3o. Used by wheel- wrights not dressmakers (2 words) (5, 4)-
14. He doesn't seem to have much staying power (7).
15. "- was astern, Rum on the port, Eigg on the star- board bow" (4).
16. Are these the young men who get " steady employ-
ment "? (2 words) (6, 4). 18 It's often in the soup (4). 20. Whereon to find a good
judge of carpentry? (5).
23. Grim Otto? I'm off (6). 24. " That two-handed engine at the door stands ready to once, and - no more " (5).
25. It's useless to ask of the giant, " Where in the world did he stand? " (5).
26. The price of fissures (5). 28. "He most prevails who • nobly -" (5). 3o. See above.