Str,—many People Contend That, For A Long Time At Least,
despotism and aggressiveness will remain as features of German national life, because of the peculiar structure of the German mind. From that assumption comes an uncomfort- able......
S1r,—sir Cyril Norwood Advances Two Doubtful Arguments In...
He says, " Competitive scholarship examina- tions for young boys in the form in which we have known them should be abolished: they have always done more harm than good." My own......
Sm,—sir Cyril Norwood's Articles On Education Are So...
tone that it may seem grudging in one of your readers to express disappointment at their content. May I plead in excuse my strong concern for the losers in the educational race......
Rehum Nnising The Nazi
Sin, —A sentence in Miss Elizabeth Wiskemann's most interesting article, " Swiss Listening-Post," seems to me to deserve great prominence. I mean this sentence: " I have heard a......
The Perils Of The Black-out Sir,—the Increase Of Fatal...
caused by the black-out during the months of September, 1939, to January of this year can be calculated, by comparison with the corresponding 1938-9 data, to amount to over......