23 FEBRUARY 2008, Page 24

Volunteers needed

Sir: Jeremy Clarke’s tale of service with CSV demonstrates its huge impact (‘Who gives?’, 16 February). Nationwide, community centres, schools, hospitals, homeless shelters and care homes for frail, elderly and disabled people are transformed by over 1,000 such volunteers giving four to 12 months’ full-time service. We are proud that Tesco now sponsors 20 a year at our local radio action desks. In cash terms, they are amazing value for money — costing just £10,000 a year to cover pocket money, food, accommodation and travel.

More are needed every month. No one is rejected. The nation needs their energy to ‘personalise’ public services. Volunteers need the chance to broaden their horizons. It ‘inspires and opens doors’. Jeremy recommends it! Dame Elisabeth Hoodless

Executive director, CSV, London N1