23 FEBRUARY 2008, page 63

I T’s Said That The Internet Promises To Usher In A

new age of altruism and selflessness but let’s not forget there’s a good side to it as well. Free porn, video piracy, and above all the chance to insult new people. Like the......

Dear Mary

Q. I am approaching my 50th birthday and I want to have a party for around 100 people. There is an ideal space near where we live in London. It belongs to a friend, who has......

Q. Is There A Tactful Way Of Finding Out Who

else is going to a house party before accepting? I know it is bad manners to ask but my problem is that, as a single man in my late thirties, I very often am asked, and......

Q. I Always Thought You Could Never Have Enough Servants

but now that I live part of the time in the Middle East I realise I was wrong. Whenever I go to raid the fridge in the privacy of my own greed someone jumps forward to ask can......