Whig prospects do not seem to improve in places where
Parlia- mentary candidates are now trying their strength.
Canterbury is to be contested by two very modest gentlemen : the Whig candidate, Mr. WILSON, pronounces himself to be "the most insignificant man in Canterbury " ; Mr. SMYTUE, the Tory, describes himself as a "miserable organ of Conservatism." Yet each seems to think his opponent a worse man than himself. The Tory, however, to judge by the other's exhibition of temper, seems to have the advantage ; and he seems also to know it. Mr. WILSON has taken to calling names : he says of the " Devil-inspired orator," Mr. SMYTHE, that " Parliament is his profession, diplomacy his trade, and humbug his language. This is not the style of a successful canvasser.* Mr. SMYTHE, on the other side, in some glib debating-society speechmaking, at a "great Conservative meeting" this week,.renews his taunts against Mr. Wn.son's Radical opiniond Whiggish aspi- rations ; and he discloses a circumstance-AV/Eh seems td indicate desperation in the Whig ranks—Mr. Wilson bad covertly attacked him "even at the Catch Club."
Reigate is contested by two Tories. Lord EAsTicos, who has an hereditary claim on the borough, has been anticipated by Mr. BYTES D'ARCY, who has embarked in the Quixotic enterprise of enabling the electors to show their "independence." " When rogues fall out, honest men have their day" : of course, while Lord EASTNOR and Mr. D'Aacy are playing lion and tiger over the borough of Reigate, a Whig wolf steps in and seizes the booty ? Not at all. 'The constituency amounts only to the manageable number of 200, and the Globe glances at it with a watering mouth, asking if there is no "Reform" candidate to come forward. Alas ! the Whigs cannot retaliate on Reigate for Carlow, though it is such a very little borough, and so very ill defended by its Conservatives.
East Surry is vacant by the death of Captain ALSAGER and Mr. EDMUND ANTRODUS is the Tory candidate. Why do not the Whigs try there the "good cause" of Corn-Jaw Repeal, which turned out their candidate in Walsall, so much to their satisfaction ; and bring forward an Anti-Corn-law candidate, to vote with Ministers in the House of Commons against the PEEL-MELBOURNE majority ? It might be worth a trial.
In Kirkcaldy, Dr. BOWRING seems to gain on Colonel FERGUSON: a deep-dyed Radical, aided by free-trade, is driving out the unusu- ally Liberal Whig candidate, strengthened by family ties and old connexions with the place, to which his opponent is a stranger. Dr. BOWRING'S friends have invited the other party to a friendly trial of strength before the actual contest, in an experimental ballot ; but the offer has been declined. Dr. BOWRING'S friends seem to have the greater confidence, at least.