During The Lull In European Dissension, Switzerland Has...
to have another little revolt. Two Cantons, Soleure and Argovia, whose people have recently adopted new constitutions proposed by the Government of each, have been disturbed by......
Qrbe „metropolis.
At a Court of Aldermen held on Tuesday, the allegation which had been urged against the validity of the late election of Common Coun- cillors for the Ward of Farringdon Without......
Zbe Court.
THE Queen and Prince Albert attended divine serv ice on Sunday in the private chapel of the Castle, and received the sacrament. On Tuesday, there was a slight return to the......
A Prominent Part Of The Home Interest Of The Week
centres in the floods, which have inundated wide tracts of country, devastating property and destroying life. The sudden thaw has had no pa- rallel for many years. The high......
The Fortifications Of Paris Continue To Afford Striking...
the inconsistent position into which the random belligerence of France has forced its public men. The expense of public works, civil and military, for the whole period from 1842......
The Accounts From Constantinople Are Of The Most...
It has been asserted that the Porte, in deference to the swishes of its august allies, had given MEHEMET Am the hereditary Pashalic of Egypt, upon condition of the evacuation of......