23 JANUARY 1841, Page 19



Bush and Co. Bath, surgeons; as far as regards Steele—Garrett and Coveney. Can- terbury, chemists—J., J.„ and R. J. Bristow, Dockhead, coopers—Jordan and Pinkess. Liverpool, varnish-makers—J., C. B., and J. Hare, Bristol, merchants; as far as re- gards Sir John Hare-Bradford and Carpenter. Leominster. auctioneers-J. and T. Standen, Ticehurst, Sussex, butchers-Forbes and Co. Aberdeen, merchants; as far as regards Duffus and G. Forbes-Snodgrass and Davis,. Devonport.brewers-Savage and Nesbit. Manchester. power-loom-manufacturers-Young and West*11. Manchester, ar- chitects-J. and S. Ward, Clitheroe, innkeepers -G. and T. Robertson, London. mer- chants-Clemens and Skinner, Birlingham. Wormstershire, farmers-Robinson and Barker. Liverpool. tanners-Beer and Isaac, Plymouth. plumbers-Smith and Woodall. Liverpool, grocers-Milford and Rendell. Newton Abbot, Devonshire. liueudrapers- Soane and Mitchell. Hastings. painters-J. and H. Lowe, Liverpool, b-ot-mauufac- turers-C. and J. Newbon. Dorset Street. Fleet Street, tailors-Burford and Berry, Coleman Street, house decorators-Embleton and Guest. Sunderland. ship brokers- Glover and Co. LeadenhalP Street, silversmiths-R. uud E. Smith, Manchester, com- mission-agents. BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED. COCKHILL. JOHN, Almondbury, Yorkshire, shopkeeper. Tarrant JOSEPH, Portway Road, Weduesbury. iron-merchant.


BARLOW. JAMES, Birmingham, brassfounder. to surrender Feb. 3, March 2: soli- citors. Messrs. Rowland and Young, White Lion Court, Coruhill; and Messrs. Tyndalr and Son. Birmingham. BEAI.E. Loyn RICHARD. Marshall Street, Golden Square, packer. Jan. 27. March 2: solicitor, Mr. Fisher, Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basing- hall Street.

BOWLES. W/I.T.TAM and JOSEPH CHARLES, Store Street. Bedford Square, upholders. Jan. 27. March 2: solicitor, Mr. Kingston. Pimlico; official assignee. Mr. Lackingtow, Basiughall Street. BUCKLE, FRANCIS. Leeds, merchant, Jan. 29, March 2: solicitors, Messrs. Wigles- worth and Co. Gray's Inn Square. JOSEPH, IlEses, Soho Square, artists' colourman. Jan. 26. March 2: solicitor, Mr. Spyer. Broad Street Buildings • official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard. LEAK. SARAH STANNARD, Holt, Norfork, milliner. Feb. 9, March 2: solicitors, Mr. Mills, City Wad; and Mr. Cozens, Letheringsett. MARSPEN, HENRY. Cellan, Cardiganshire, cattle-dealer, Feb. 5, March 2; solicitors. Messrs. Turner and Hensman, Basing Lane; and Mr. Baker. Aberga, °tiny. MORRIS. RICHARD, Gloucester. coach-maker, Jan. 29, March 2: solicitors, Mr. Wil- ton, Raymond Buildings; and Messrs Witter., Gloucester. OPPENHELM, ARTHUR and WALTER MICHAEL. Macsell Street. timber-merchants. Jan. 26. March 2: solicitor. Mr. Michael. Red Lion Square ; official assiguee, Mr. Green, Alderman bury. PERKS. FRANCIS junior, Stourbridge, hatter, Jan. 27. March 2: solicitors, Messrs. Clowes and Wedlake. Temple; and Mr. Collis, Stourbridge. REED, IlExar JOSEPII, Marquis Court, Drury Lane. victualler, Jan. 27, March 2: solicitor, Mr. Dimmock, Size Lane; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. RICHARDSON, ErAYARD, Sunderland, merchant, Feb. 12, March 2: solicitors, Messrs. Adlingtou and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Potts, Bishop Wearmouth. }luxe, RICIIARO. Welles:bourne. Warwickshire, corn-dealer. Ism. 29, March 2: soli- citors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Hobbes. Stratford-on Avon. Rouse, EDWIN Eroaosms. Worcester, stationer, Feb. 2, March 2: solicitors, Messrs. Clark and Cooper, Old Bailey; and Messrs. Gillara and Son. Worcester. SHIPMAN. EDWARD VAUGHAN, Hackney. victualler, Jan. 26, March 2: solicitor, Mr. Dimmock, Size Lane; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, Kings Arms Yard. WADDELL, JosErts. Birmingham, druggist, Jan. LI. Mardi 2: solicitors, Mr. Church, Bedford Row; and Mr. James, Birmingham.


Feb. 9, Kopsch, Crown Court Old Broad Street, silk-merchant-Feb. 10, Colbron, Mill Street. Hanover Square, tailor-Feb. 11, Nixon, Boston. ironmonger -Feb. 2, Denman. Catalan on, inukeeper -Feb. 9, Farrell, Kensington, cattle-salesman-Feb. 11. Wilkinson, Bolton-le-Moors, ironmonger-Feb. 12, Mess, Kirlon-in-Lindsey, Lincolnshire, draper-Feb. 12, Johnson, Glamford Briggs, Lincolnshire, innkeeper- Feb. 17, Nicholson, Kirton-in-Lindsey. scrivener-Feb. 12, Riley. Caistor, Lincoln- shire, currier-Feb. 17, Enoch, Warwick. boot-manufacturer -Feb. 10, Kuibb. Liver- pool, tailor-Feb. 19. W. and W. Levett. Kinas, tou-upon-Hall, merchatrs-Feb. 12, Smith, Leeds, joiner-Feb. 11, Triance, King's Lynn. builder.

emerreteuerEs robe granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Feb. 9. Thomas. Bristol, hotel-keeper -Milns, Rochdale, dyer-Hedges, Oxford. plumber- Hoskins, Hercules Court. Broad Street, chronometer- maker-Leugan. Regeut Street, wine-merchant-Soutliby, New Basinghall Street. batter-T. and 'f. Brown, Mansell Street. plumbers-Randolph, Bridge Street, Westminster. surgeon-Cooke, Bristol, brush-manufacturer-Hopkinson. Lit erpool. coach-builder-Bacon, York, grocer- Waddell, Liverpool, merchant-Webb. Bristol, tea-dealer.


BRAND, WILLIAM, Dalmacarlder, Dumfriesshire. Jan. 27, Feb. 17.

MACDOWALL, JOHN, Johnstone. Renfrewshire, machine-maker, Jan. 25, Feb. 15.

PATERSON, JANES. and Co. Glasgow. Jan. 27, Feb. 17.

ItArreAy, JAMES, DancLe, Jan. 29, Feb. V.

Friday, Jan. 22.


Railton and Poascod, Regent Street. linendrapers-Donald and Co. St. Albans. schoolkeepers- Wrighton and Co. Sheffield, typogniphic letter-cutters -Burghart and Webb. Piccadilly, tailors -Clock and Scott, Windsor -Andrew and Wilson. Manches- ter, architects-Davis and Sanders. Pimlico. lime-burners-Wildou and Brigham. York. rag-merchants-J. and J. Stott, Rochdale, woollen-carders-Tyson and NV Lel- lan, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, plasterers -Cross and Co. Bolton-le-Moors. bleachers- Brew and Jones, Liverpool, painters- Goff and Eastang12. Lowestoffe, millers-Hughes and Beasley. Lower Road. Islington, eheesemongers-Bach and Brattish, New York, importers-De Berckem and Prichett. Old Broad Street. stock-brokers -J. and J. Johnston, Cursitor Street, lamp-manufacturers-Browu and Co. Liverpool, shipwrights -Needham and Co. Hinckley, general-traders-Whiteley and Sons. Halifax, card- makers-Barton and Sou. Dover. tea-dealers-Bacon and Co. Manchester. button

makers; as far as regards T. Ashford-T. and W. Kirk. Nottiugham, lace-makers- Rose and Mackinlay, Blackfriars Road. surgeons-Cremer, Brothers, Lime Street, wine-merchauts-Watton and Ilammerton, Paul Street, brewers-W. and H. Spencer. Coventry, riband-manufacturers-Bottom and Thornley. Sueuton, Nottinghamshire, cotton-lace-dressers-M. and A. Fallon, Newcastle-upon-Tvne, clock-dealers-Gibsou and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, engravers-J. and J. 8:Gibbons, Hatton Garden, watch makers-English and Fasana junior, Bath, upholsterers-Brook and Brothers. Meltham Mills, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners; as far as regards J., J., and T. Brook and. J. Wood.


APPLETON, Ions, Hounslow, ironmonger. Jan. V.


BArrrearooE, RICRARD, Leeds, woolstapler, to surrender Jan. 30, March 5: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Co. Lincoln's Inu ; and Messrs. Atkins and Co. Leeds.

BERRY, JoHN ROBERT, Cambridge, wine merchant. Feb. 5. March 5; solicitors, Mr. Bircham, Bedford Row; and Messrs. Gunning and Francis, Cambridge. COOPER, WrmEAu HIIIUT, and AVRE, HENRY, Manchester. calico printers, Feb. 1, March 5: solicitors. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row and Mr. Law. Manchester. ELLIS, GEORGE, Lane End, Stoke-upon-Trent, earibenware-manufacturer, Feb. 5, March 5: solicitor, Mr. Barlow, Stone.

EXLEY, JOHN, Riches Court. Lime Street. corn-factor, Feb. 5, March 5: solicitors, Messrs. Teasdale and Co. Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Mr. Clarke, New Broad Street Court.

Howe. ROBERT. Kilpin, Yorkshire. corn-factor. Jan. 28, March 5: solicitors. Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Blanchard and Richardson, York.

TyLze. Ennuem, Birch Hills, Staffisrdshire, iron master. Feb. 3, March 5: solicitors, Mr. Michael. Red Lion Square ; auti Messrs. Bird and Saunders, Kidderminster.

WAINWRIGHT, Jugs WESTLAKE, Bridgewater. builder, Feb. 4, March 5: solicitors. Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. James, Glastonbury. WILLIS, WILLIAM junior, Salford, bookseller, Feb. 8, March 5: solicitors. Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Middle Temple; stud Messrs. Atkinson and Co. Manchester.

Wants, JEREMIAH, Sheffield, iron and steel-merchaet. Feb. 2, March 5 solicitors, Dir. James, Basinghall Street ; and Mr. Jervis. Sheffield. YOUNG, JOHN, and BENTLEY, GEORGE, Wolverhampton. iron-founders, Feb. 4. March 5: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Bennett, Wolverhampton.


Feb. 15, Hocken, Maddox Street. tailor-Feb. 13, Moore, Old Bond Street, hatter- Feb. 17, Gurney. Sheffield, scale.cutter- Feb.23, Milns, Rochdale, dyer-Feb. 12, Wallbank. Birmingham. metal-dealer-Feb. 17. Wood, Loughborough. wharfinger- Feb. 24, Beckinsale, Bridport, grocer-Feb. 8, Dearden, Liverpool, coal-dealer-Feb. 15, Marsden, Salford, machine-maker-Feb. 24, Beasley, Leiceater, worsted spinner.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, as or before Feb. 12. Mosse. Birmingham, laceman-Brookhouse, Derby, watch-manufacturer-Wile. Stafford. iroumouger-Brook, Victoria Road. Pimlico, corn-dealer-Tildesley. Witten- hall, Staffordshire, grocer-Horton, Westbromwich, ironfounder-Hulder, Bread Street. Mauchester-warehouseman.


ELDER, WILLIAM, Forfar. brewer, Jan.30, Feb. 20.

GRIERSON, ARCHIBALD GRACIE, Glasgow, hosier, Feb. 1,22. M'ComatE. ALEXANDER, Edinburgh, merchant, Jan. 28, Feb. 18. SraAste, WILLIAar, Glasgow. manufacturer, Jan. 28, Feb. 18.