23 JANUARY 1841, Page 20


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

Saturday Monday.

Tuesday. !Vedas*. Thurs. rnday.

90 90

893 894 891

90 901 901 901 893 90 90/ 901 904 904 90} 901 901

984 983

983 984 9234

983 984 984

981 973 98 984 131 131 131 131 134 13k ' - 169 170 171 1701 1694

- - 251 252} - II pm. 10 10 8 6 8 4 dis. 8 4 8 10 5 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Lust Official Quotation during t ae Week ending Friday Evening.)

Alabama (Sterliug) 5 p. Ct. 78 Ditto (Deferred) 5p. Ct Arkansas (1863) 6 - Ditto 6 - Austrian 5 - 109 Ditto (Deferred) ....6 -

Belgian 5 - 241 Michigan -

Brazilian 5 - 74 Mississippi (Stering)...5

Buenos Ayres 6 - 21 Neapolitan. 6

Cuba 6 - New York (1855) 5 Cliilian 6 - Ohio 6 Columbian of 1824 6 23} Pennsylvania 5 Danish 3 781 Peruvian 6 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders).2} - 594 Portuguese 3 Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 991 Ditto 5 French 3 - Ditto (New) 5 Ditto 5 - 112f. Russian 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 75 Seattieli 5 Illinois 6 75 ! Ditto (Passive) Kentucky 6 85 : Ditto (Deferred) Louisiana (Sterliug).... 5 - 87 South Carolina Op. Ct. Maryland 6 - 82 1 Tenuesaess 6 - afassechtissetts(sterling)5 - 100 United States Bank Mexican 5 - 284 ! Virginia 5 - RE S.

re Week, ending Friday Evening.) Batiks-

Australasian 54 British North American

Colonial 37 ex d. Hibernian

Louduu and Westminster 241 London Joint Stock 13 ex 21.

National of Ireland 16 '

National Provincial 35ex d.

Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia

Union of London 10 Docks-

East and West India

London 7i ex d.

St. Katherine 53 ex d.


Australian Agricultural British American Laud Canada.

General Steam South Australian Vau Diemen's Laud BULLION.

Gold, Foreign in Bass per os. 81. 17s. 9d. Old Spaniqi or Pillar Dollars .... 0 0 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 101. Silver in Bars. Standard 0 5 Oy


Wheat,Red Nest 50 to 56 Rye 30 to 40 Fine .... .. 56 .. 60 Barley 516 .. 29 While 50.. 56 31alling 32 .. 114 Fine 5- . 58 Van, Ordinary. 56 .. Si Superfine:S 0.0 . 04 Fins 60 .. 63

0:4...... ... t2 .. eh i Peas, Bog 56 .. 35

AVERAGE PR CES OF CURIO. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperi41) of England and Wales. For t he presser Week. Wheat 60, Cd. , Rye. .... . 63,65. I Wheat PG, 114. I Rye 19..9d,

Barley 32 6 Beans 40 7 I Barley Is IS I Beans 0 6 Oats .......51 6 Peas 40 3 1 Oats 15 3 I Peas 9 a


Town-made per sack 50s. to 55s. Seconds 45 - 50 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 40 - 45 Norfolk and Stockton 40 - 45 BRAN per quarter 0.10 Os.

POLLARD, One Os. to Os. BREAD. 744. to 94.1. the alb. Loaf.

HAY and STRAW. (l'er load of 36 Trusses.)


Hay, Good Ws... 105. Ka . IGO...." 75s... 100s.. ... 955... 100s.



Clover HO ... 117 .. .. 84 .. 120 100 .. 120 110 .. 117 Straw, Wheat 38 .. 49 .... 35 .. 40 36 .. 43 36 .. 40


Kent Pockets 112s. to 180.. I Scotch Reds per ton 70.. to 750.

Choice Otto 260 - 9S0 Ware o 0 SIMAell Pockets 100 - 160 I Middling 0 ' - 0 SUPCS.00C Ditto 160 - 440 Chats 0 - 0

• To sink the offal-per albs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Pigs. Friday. 479 2,320 129 490

Monday.... .... ......... .... 2,4,5 ........ 20,1130 se 439


Ra01 per tun 44i. Os.

Linseed Oil 27 10 Linseed Oil, Cake per 1000 IS 10 CANDLES, per doses, 75. 04. 10 Os. ed. COALS, Berton ....per ton 25s. Ed. Refined

'fees 245. ad. Moulds (6d. per dos discount) 9s. Ed, 45 10 TEA, Rah., fine, p. lb is. 7.1.120 It ads

COFFEE, Fine (in lad) p. cwt. 110s. 135e.

SUGAR, Muscovado ..per cwt 5111.10/d. Congo., fine 1 114 - 5 1

Souchong, fine I e- S t Good Ordinary Ns. 68s.

West India Molasses. .650.04 10555.04, 1185.0d.

• in Good-Dirty 2a. LI. per lb.

3 per Cent. Consols .

Ditto for Account

3 per Cents. Reduced 3} per Cents. Reduced New 31 per Cents. Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per cent. India Stock 101

Exchequer Bills 2id. p. diem

India Bonds, 3 per cent 9} 85} 90 ex d. 84 16} 201 64 3.21 114 251 6} 13 90 82 14i Mums- Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cab a Branca Caudonga Cobre Copper


Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton Lowlier and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon and South-Wester u London and Croydon Manchester and "Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover S H A (Last Official Quotation during tl

81 914 433 184 84 174 57+ 124


771 134


Copper, British Cakes-per ton 071.0. to 01.04 Iron, British. liars 8 5 0- II 0 Lead. British Pig 40 5 0- 20 10 Steel, English se 0 0-80 0 Maple .. 38 to 40 White. 94 36

Boilers.. lie ..55

Beans, Ticks. 06.. 86 Old 40..45 Herta., - 101 Chts,Feed 21 to 03 Fine. 23 .. 24 Poland 25 . 26 Fine 26 . 27

Potato 24 .. 06

Fine 20 .. 40


U'ITER-Bei.l. Fresh, 17s. Od. per dos. Carlow, 51. Os. to 51. Ss. per cat.

BACON, Small New, per ...wt. 480.15 50s. CHEESE. Cheshire 70s. to 88e.

Derby, Pill30 66,_ to 76s.

HAMS, York 764. to 89.. EGGS, French... per 120 Os. Od. to Os. Od.

Beef Mutton Veal Pork Lamb


NEWG ATE AND LEADEN HA LL.* SMITHFIELD.* • 04.10 4s. Oil, to 4s. 51. 3.. 6d. to 45. Re. to 5., 04

• 2 .. 6 0 . 4 0 .. 4 6 .. S 5 0

• 4 ..•4 .. 5 0 50 4 H 5 0 0